Jackfruit ranked 4th in export turnover of vegetables and fruits in 2023 after durian, dragon fruit, and banana.

According to statistics from the General Department of Customs, Vietnam’s jackfruit export turnover in December 2023 reached 36.3 million USD, a sudden increase of 101.5% compared to December 2022. This is the largest increase of all fruit items, higher than durian.

Jackfruit ranked 4th in terms of export turnover.

Accumulated for the whole year of 2023, the export value of jackfruit reached 236.8 million USD, up 44.6% over the same period in 2022, accounting for 5.9%. This is the 4th item in terms of export turnover of vegetables and fruits in 2023 after durian, dragon fruit, and banana.

Among the markets, China is the top customer of Vietnam’s jackfruit. This country mainly imports jackfruit from Thailand and Vietnam. Jackfruit from Malaysia is of higher quality, however, import turnover is behind Vietnam and Thailand.

Jackfruit imported from Vietnam into China is mainly Thai jackfruit (Chanrai jackfruit) with yellow flesh and some red flesh jackfruit. In addition, most of China’s imports are for preliminary processing to make dried products or process them into jackfruit powder.

In Vietnam, jackfruit is mainly grown in the southern provinces. Currently, the area of jackfruit in the Mekong Delta provinces is about 10,105 ha, of which 6,396 ha is being harvested, yielding 17.9 tons/ha. The selling price of jackfruit in the Mekong Delta provinces ranges from 15,000-30,000 VND/kg depending on the type and time. There was a time that the price went up to 45,000-48,000 VND/kg./.