According to data from the General Department of Customs, the import turnover of animal feed and raw materials to Vietnam in November 2022 reached 650 million USD, up 61.7% compared to the previous month and 78.4% compared to the same period last year. Overall, in November 2022, imports of animal feed and raw materials amounted to 5.16 billion USD, up 14.6% compared to the same period in 2021…

It is expected that imports of animal feed products and raw materials to Vietnam in 2022 will reach nearly 10 million tonnes, worth 5.4 billion USD, down 4% in volume but up 8% in value compared to 2021.


Of the 5.16 billion USD imports of animal feed and raw materials, imports of raw materials for animal feed production amounted to nearly 5 billion USD. Since the beginning of 2022, Vietnam has imported 27 types of animal feed materials.

Vietnam’s imports of raw materials and animal feed amounted to 5.16 billion USD. (Photo: Internet)

In the last 11 months, the volume of soybeans to Vietnam reached 1.7 million tonnes, costing 1.18 billion USD, down 9.8% in volume but up 7.8% in value compared to the same period in 2021. The amount of soybean imports to Vietnam in the coming months is expected to reach 120-160 thousand tonnes/month, with the import price from 700-730 USD/tonne.

Vietnam imports soybeans from five markets, of which Brazil is the largest soybean supply market, accounting for 70% of total soybean imports and up 10.9% compared to the same period in 2021. It is forecast to be Vietnam’s largest soybean supply market in 2022 and the first half of 2023, due to abundant supply and competitive prices compared to other markets.

Imports of soybeans from Brazil in 2022 are expected to reach over one million tonnes, up 11% compared to 2021. The US is the second-largest soybean supply market for Vietnam, but imports went down sharply, reaching 519,000 tonnes, down 38.2% compared to the same period in 2021 and accounting for 30.3% of imports.

“Overall, in 11 months of 2022, Vietnam’s soybean imports reached 4.33  million tonnes, costing 2.44 billion USD, down 7.1% in volume but up 4.2% in value compared to the same period in 2021, accounting for 47% in volume and 49% in value of total imports of animal feed materials of Vietnam”.

According to the data of the General Department of Customs.

Animal feed materials are heavily dependent on imports. (Photo: Internet)

However, soybean is not the item that accounts for the highest proportion of value in animal feed materials. The “champion” belongs to the soybean meal. 

The main supplies of soybean meal are from South America and North America. The average import price of soybean meal in October 2022 was 587 USD/tonne, down 1.4% compared to the previous month but up 25.2% compared to October 2021. The import of soybean meal to Vietnam in 2022 is expected to reach 4.7 million tonnes, worth 2.65 billion USD, down 6% in volume but up 6% in value compared to 2021.

For palm kernel meal, imports in 11 months reached 515,000 tonnes, worth 111 million USD, down 8.2% in volume but up 6.9% in value compared to the same period in 2021. The main supply markets for palm kernel meal are Indonesia (421.3 thousand tonnes) and Malaysia (27.4 thousand tonnes).

In the past 11 months, Vietnamese animal feed production enterprises imported 237,000 tonnes of rapeseed meal, valued at 91.5 million USD, down 15.8% in volume and 7.8% in value compared to the same period in 2021. The main markets for rapeseed meals are India, UAE, Pakistan, etc.

From the beginning of the year, livestock nutrition imports to Vietnam reached 1.23 million tonnes with a turnover of 460 million USD, up 0.8% in volume and 21.1% in value compared to the same period in 2021. 

Vietnam imported 521,000 tonnes of rice bran, valued at 112 million USD, up 1.8% in volume and 23.1% in value compared to the same period in 2021. The main supply market for this item is India. The average import price of rice bran in November 2022 was 241 USD/tonne, equivalent to the previous month and up 23.2% compared to November 2021. 

Corn bran imports also increased sharply with 140,000 tonnes in 11 months. The turnover was 43 million USD, up 6.2% in volume and 23.7% in value compared to the same period in 2021. The main markets for corn bran are China and India. In addition, our country imports 354,000 tonnes of wheat bran, down 16.9% compared to the same period in 2021. The main supply of wheat bran comes from Tanzania, Indonesia, etc.

Fish meal imports in 11 months reached 110,000 tonnes, with a turnover of 163 million USD, down 13.2% compared to the same period in 2021. The main markets for this item are India, Oman, Peru, etc. Currently, the average import price of fish meal is 1,522 USD/tonne.

In 11 months, businesses in the animal feed industry also spent 503 million USD to import adjuvants, up 0.9% compared to the same period in 2021. The main supply market is Asia (China, Thailand, etc)./.