Grape Seaweed is a food favored by the taste and nutritional value that it provides. However, few people understand what Grape Seaweed is as well as the effect of this “green pearl ” on health.


Grape Seaweed is a type of seaweed that is considered a green vegetable. However, its nutritional value is much higher than other vegetables. The market price today is up to 200,000 VND/kg. This is called Grape Seaweed because it has a very similar shape to grape clusters. Grape Seaweed is also known as green caviar.

This type of seaweed grows in the natural areas of Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands, and Japan. In 2006, Grape Seaweed was found on Phu Quy island. Its size is smaller than other seaweed in Japan and the Philippines. Now, Vietnam can grow this seaweed. To successfully apply the method of growing Grape Seaweed, it is necessary to choose suitable environments such as shallow seas, ponds, etc.

A photo of Grape Seaweed. (Source: Internet)

The nutrients in this seaweed are absorbed through branches and leaves. With salinity, light, and other suitable factors, they grow very quickly. Only for about 20 – 30 days, they can be harvested. For better preservation, Grape Seaweed must be dehydrated and dried. Both fresh and dried Grape Seaweed have very high nutritional values.


Grape Seaweed is favored because it not only has a good and unique taste but is also very healthy. On the Japanese daily menu, it is an indispensable food. According to experts, this type of seaweed is both good for bones and has antibacterial effects, enhancing vision, etc.

Keep Bones Strong

Substances such as protein and unsaturated fatty acids in Grape Seaweed have anti-inflammatory effects, keep bones strong, reduce the symptoms of arthritis, and prevent osteoporosis.

Good for Vision

The content of vitamin A and iron in this seaweed is very good for vision and preventing eye diseases.

 Prevent the risk of Diabetes

The content of vitamin C in Grape Seaweed has the effect of controlling sugar levels, preventing the harmful effects of free radicals, and reducing the formation and accumulation of intracellular sorbitol. These are all causes of diabetes. In addition, vitamin C also plays a role in preventing and improving the status of diabetes.

Good for Cardiovascular and Skin

Grape Seaweed is good for the heart because they contain unsaturated acids. This increases vascular contraction, prevents oxidation, and lowers cholesterol. Not only prevents heart attacks, and strokes, but eating seaweed often also improves your skin. The fat in this food protects the cell membrane, bringing skin elasticity and freshness. In addition, it is considered a very good natural cosmetic for hair, preventing the aging process.

Grape Seaweed offers great health benefits. (Photo: Internet)

Prevent Obesity and Constipation

Grape Seaweed can prevent constipation because its calorie and sugar levels are very low. This allows bacteria to digest food easily.

Moreover, with calcium, iron, vitamin C, etc, adding Grape Seaweed to the daily menu prevents overweight. For those who are maintaining a diet, eating Grape Seaweed is an ideal choice.

Prevent Cancer

Fucoidan in this seaweed is considered an anti-cancer agent. Many studies have proved that Fucoidan is an effective cancer treatment agent. Studies have also found that this agent enhances the immune system.


How do you eat Grape Seaweed? A lot of people don’t know how to prepare this seaweed because it’s not as popular as our daily food. Here are the ways to use Grape Seaweed you can refer to.

Raw vegetables

This is the most direct and simple way to eat Grape Seaweed. You just need to make the seaweed less salty, then put it on a bowl of ice, and eat it with sauces.

Eat with other foods

The baked stuff served with Grape Seaweed is very suitable. In addition, you can use this type of seaweed to cook seafood soup.

Used to decorate dishes

If you love Japanese cuisine, you can see that fresh Grape Seaweed is often used to decorate dishes, especially rice rolls, fish salad, etc.

Grape Seaweed Salad

What is Grape Seaweed used for? If you don’t know what to do with Grape Seaweed, you can make an attractive and nutritious salad. What is the taste of Grape Seaweed? With a salty, crisp taste, and typical sea flavor, you can completely prepare the salad and enjoy it for 15 minutes for the full flavor.

An attractive dish of salad. (Photo: Internet)

Making rice rolls

The rice roll with Grape Seaweed is both beautiful and nutritious. The aroma of rice combined with the crisp and salty taste of Grape Seaweed will bring a wonderful aftertaste to the person who enjoys it.

Dipping into a hotpot

When you have a hotpot, you can dip some Grape Seaweed. This unique combination of flavors is sure to surprise you.